Whether you aim to achieve full ISO19650 compliance or want to simply ensure you leverage BIM in your workflows, we deliver a single point of contact for digital solutions that increase ROI over the asset lifecycle. The digitization of data can commence from the first phases of the project conceptualization, while information flow allows for data science to be projected seamlessly and immediately, ensuring stakeholders operate in accordance with well-defined engagement protocols.
by Granlund
When your obligation with respect to asset lifecycle extends beyond project handover, we provide the tools required to harness the gains from data generated during asset construction and operations. In collaboration with Granlund Group, we offer cloud-based modular property maintenance and energy management software that creates smarter and more efficient built assets.
One of the primary features offered through our digital twining services that integrate with Granlund Manger is the ability to collect important information from various sources such as BIM models from construction, handover information, IoT, and building automation systems. Granlund Manager’s built-in BIM capabilities and APIs provide a seamless integration of your assets into the digital ecosystem.
Through its uniquely easy implementation, Granlund Manager allows for:

T: +9714-3289986
Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai Digital Park
Building A5, Office 3005, Dubai, UAE