Our team’s deep involvement in the industry since 2000 throughout the GCC, has allowed Concerted Solutions to witness, solve, and learn from a vast variety of challenges. Thanks to an open minded work ethic and an honest approach, we have managed to cultivate solid and long term relationships. Today, we proudly share alliance with international companies and experts to extend their solutions and expertise. Our work speaks for itself through iconic projects that have presented opportunities to implement optimized solutions and solve specific challenges.

While we specialize in bespoke customized solutions based on project-specific or enterprise-level requirements, we have a range of flexible off-the-shelf solutions that address immediate requirements and integrate with existing workflows or systems. Going beyond software and development, Concerted Solutions offers proven solutions for IoT hardware, digitization, computer simulations, and BIM production efficiency enhancement.
These distinct but related parts of our business work together to guide, build, and manage the journey to smart buildings and infrastructure networks at a project and portfolio level.
Our team is homegrown and industry trained. Working on sites has allowed us to gather appreciation and understanding of the pressures involved in each of the multiple facets of construction. Accordingly, we have designed a team structure that helps us absorb project data with a holistic understanding, and in effect, allows us to digitize the information in the most relevant manner.
Concerted Solutions Team members

Mousalam Alabdulrazzak (PhD)

Muhammad Jabakhanji

Sthavya. K

Bahaa Eldin Elsayed

Mostafa Wahsh

Benjamin Salisipan
Technology Partners / Advisors

Jyrki Pikkarainen

Adnaan Khokar

Bart Crommelinck

Omar Faouri

Husam Khaskieh

Dirk Tilger

T: +9714-3289986
Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai Digital Park
Building A5, Office 3005, Dubai, UAE